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It’s official! My new pattern drop as a contribution to The Periwinkle Sheep’s 20th Anniversary Collection is LIVE!!!
Greetings my yarnie peeps, and Happy Black Friday!
I’ve been cooking up something and now it’s ready for public consumption! Allow me to introduce you to my new Zazzle Store!!!
VonCroBeadI know what you’re thinking…another one? #RevenueStreams
You’re already selling through Shopify, Ravelry, and ConvertKit (yes; now you can sell digital products on ConvertKit!), so why Zazzle?
Because I’m a tech junkie, and because it’s different; it allows me to put my work to work, and provide options for the crochet community!
I got the bright idea of using my swatch pictures on items my crochet peeps might like because I couldn’t find the representations I wanted.
If you’re pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down, check out the store and lemme know what you think!