I’m honored to join 34 of my crochet designer colleagues in the Crochet for Me Lace Bundle: 46 individual patterns, never before offered in a bundle or for free, that will give you a wide range of patterns to suit your lacy fancy.
This crochet bundle includes a variety of patterns: hats, headbands, tees, shawls, a dress, jewelry, even a lacy pillow!
You get all 46 patterns featured in this bundle for only $25. That’s less than 55 cents per pattern! But the offer is only available through April 21, 2021, 11:59 PM Eastern, and it absolutely will not be extended nor repeated.
If you purchased these patterns individually they would cost you well over $200. And by buying from a coalition of designers like this instead of a huge publisher, you know that your money is going where it’s needed – into the pockets of your favorite designers so they can keep on creating the patterns you love to make.
Need more incentive? Once you gain access to the bundle patterns you ALSO get a file with extra discount codes for additional products offered by some of these amazing designers. And there’s a 15-day money-back guarantee so you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Pssst…hey knitters…there’s a bundle for you too! Once you make a bundle purchase, you’ll have the option to include the knit bundle also, so for those of us who knit and crochet, you don’t have to choose…win-win!
Can you think of a better way to support your community, get a head start on your warm-weather crafting, and make something for…YOU!