STITCHES United – Hats 101: Crowning Glory

Today’s highlight features an item that almost everyone makes…hats!

If you’ve ever made a hat that was a little ‘wonky’ or you had trouble keeping your stitch count accurate, this may be the class for you.

Learn how to make a perfectly flat, round crown, as well as adding some texture for interest.

Hats 101: Crowning Glory

Get all the deets for this #STITCHESUnited class here!

STITCHES United: Mobius Mesh Bracelet


Happy Turkey Week to my yarnie peeps!

This week, I’m highlighting my #STITCHESUnited classes, starting with the Mobius Mesh Bracelet where you will make a beaded bracelet which uses the same technique as my necklace.

Check out the class description for the details!

Hope to see you at #STITCHESUnited!!!