My Crochet Classes at VKLNY2020!

This #HappyVonday post is more of an update. 🙂

I will spotlight a different class each day this week, so stay tuned!

General registration is LIVE for Vogue Knitting Live!!! For those who’ve been wishing for more crochet classes…wish granted!!! #knittinglive

Hey, y’all…it’s Von!

Check out my classes and sign up quick; they fill up fast! #knittinglive

  • select your package first (package, class and/or marketplace ticket)
  • scroll down to classes
  • filter by teacher (Yvonne Tate); type my name or scroll down to the end and select my name!
  • click my name to see FIVE FOUR exclusive crochet classes
  • choose your class(es) and click continue
  • fill out form and click continue
  • follow the prompts and continue to payment, etc.

Granny Squares are a crochet staple! I’ve tweaked my Mom’s ‘recipe’ and worked out a join-as-you-go method for an option besides whipstitching.

Granny Squares 101 & Join-As-You-Go (JAYG) Technique

Bavarian Crochet is one of my favorite uncommon techniques, and can be easily incorporated into traditional crochet in many ways!

Intro to Bavarian Crochet / Hat

Entrelac is not just for knitting! If you’re familiar with Tunisian Crochet, take those skills to the next level.

Intro to Entrelac Crochet Basics
This class has been deleted due to low enrollment.

The African Flower is another great motif for using multiple colors; your possibilities are endless!

African Flower

Stitchapalooza explores swatching a variety of not-so-often used stitches from which you can create your own sampler!


With all sincerity, I thank you for your kudos and congratulations, but the greater measure of your appreciation would be to register for classes! 🙂

I look forward to seeing and sharing with you then!!!

Vogue. Knitting. Live!

Greetings, my crochet peeps!

On this #HappyVonday, I have very special news to share: I’m teaching at Vogue. Knitting. Live! #knittinglive

I have five crochet classes on the schedule. Registration opens to subscribers for VIP Packages this week, so check them out and sign up early. If you snooze, ya might lose!

In the Twelve Weeks ’til Christmas…

For us crafty folks, it’s gift-making season: about that time to gear up and hunker down!

Some of us are ‘making a list’; the more efficient of us started right after the last holiday season 😉

With fiber festival season upon us, it’s also time to keep our eyes peeled for beauties and bargains to add to our bounty. Turn those things into a handmade item and it has the makings of becoming a treasured heirloom!

I know you’re thinking you have plenty of time, but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. It’s not too early to think about Christmas and the holidays if you’re making your gifts…but it is much too early for the decorations to be on sale!!!

Time seems to go by faster every year; before you know it, you’re up in the weeeee hours of the morning, thinking to yourself ‘just one more row’…

Tick tock, tick tock…