Happy Vonday!

Because it’s a holiday, I’m being lazy and not posting today. Be sure to check my four most recent posts, and I’ll catch up with y’all next Monday! 🙂

Black Crochet Teachers

This short, paltry list speaks to the lack of teaching diversity in the fiber arts industry. I’m gonna assume y’all are out there, and I just haven’t found you yet. You don’t have to be ‘known’, or ‘popular’ to be included. If you wanna share a little about where and what you teach, that’s cool, too!

I’m not including those who teach their creations, primarily because that’s often a given with a product or niche. I’m also not including knitting because I’m tryna make a point in the false perceptions between crafts.

So…again, I’m gonna start with me, because who knows me better, right?

Yvonne Tate

Arnetta Kenney

Claudette Brady

Yvonne Cherry

I’m gonna need lots of community help for this one! If you know of anyone (whom I haven’t specifically listed on my recent posts), please let me know, and I’ll be sure to add them!!!

Black Crochet & Knit Designers

Happy Vonday! Today’s post features Black crochet designers, of which I am self-published, and includes knit designers, because some do both! 🙂

Whether you’ve been doing it for years, self-published, or just dropped your first pattern, holla at me!

This list will more than likely be a work in progress. If I’ve missed anyone..slide into my DMs at @vcbcrochet and lemme know!

Yvonne Tate

Claudette Brady

Joyce Wyatt

Joan Davis

Shirley Paden

Tracey Rivers

Tian Connaughton

Jeannette Sloan

Gaye Gillespie

Fatimah Hinds

Noma Ndulovu

Maxhosa Africa

Brandi Cheyenne Harper