by admin | Aug 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hey, y’all; it’s Von…and Happy Vonday!
Today’s post is featuring Black indie yarn dyers. I’ve done a feature before on my blog, but this time I’m just gonna drop websites, handles and linkies. If I miss anyone, slide into my IG DMs (@vcbcrochet) and lemme know, so I can add them!
The Knottee Hooker – @knotteehooker
Kitty Pride Fibers & Dye Hard Yarns – @Kittypridefiber
LolaBean Yarn Co – @lolabeanyarnco
Fully Spun – @iamfullyspun
Onyx Fiber Arts – @onyxfiberarts
by admin | Aug 5, 2019 | Uncategorized
Hey y’all…it’s Von!
I have a new goal to post every Monday, so I’m calling it Vonday! 🙂 I’m cheeky like that 😉
Today, I’m doing a fast-and-dirty link drive-by featuring and focusing on the community of crochet doll makers of African descent.
Over the past year or so, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and finding out about several; be sure to check them out as well.
Aniqua Wilkerson (@my_kinda_thing) of My Kinda Thing
Yolanda Jordan (@myprettybrowndoll) of My Pretty Brown Doll
Tanya Powell (@tlpbrownsugarbabies) of TLPBrownSugarBabies
La-Shonda Rice (@thechristiancrochetaddict) of The Christian Crochet Addict
Tammy Blunte (@tammybcreations) of TammyB Creations
Ornicka Owens (@ornickaowens) of Olivia and Me Boutique
Vonda Howard (@cutelittlecrumbsnatchers) of Cute Little Crumb Snatchers
Adjoa (@fancyfancycrochet) of Fancy Fancy Crochet
Katrina Weston (@katzkrochetz) of Katz Krochetz
Kellie Johnson (@krochetkrazy_kellie) of Krochet Krazy
Gifted Hands (@thegiftedway) of GiftedHands4ubyme
Kirrah & Kalani (@kirrahkalanidolls) of Kirrah Kalani Dolls
Chandra Waters (@agullahgirl) of Gullah Girl Market
Lisa Davis (@knitsandhooks) of Knits and Hooks
Coletta Peterson (@a_touch_of_blu_designs) of A Touch of BLU Designs
Elizabeth Priar (@faatimahsdolls) of Faatimah’s Dolls
DiAndra Smith (@stitchingwithdivasstudio) of Stitching With Divas Studio
Leslie Ann (@lacraft_artinme) of LACraft_ArtInMe
Aisha (@notyouraveragestitch) of Not Your Average Stitch
Krochet Dolls (@krochet_dolls)
kdDolls (@kdDolls)
Wykeitha Benton (@4everloveddolls) of 4 Ever Loved Dolls
Emlyn M (@emknitz)
Ananya Oviyah (@aliengoddess79) of Mary’s Doll House Studio
Kaya Made (@kaya_made)
If I missed anyone, please let me know and I’ll add them to the list!
by admin | Aug 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
So…now that I’m upgrading my website, I’m looking to do something old and something new. My goal is to make this space more robust, with some of the things I used to do…like a charity of the month, lots of informational and resourceful links, in addition to hosting more Make-Alongs, a membership community, and adding a shop for my patterns and finished items, as well as some classes, tutorials and videos, based on my limited recording skills. Sounds quite ambitious, yes?
If there’s something you’d like to see here, drop a hint! Comment below or email me at