Today I’m sharing my most recent newsletter, since it includes all the information I’d be posting anyway 😉
Please follow the linky of the newsletter I recently sent out to my tribe and peep the crochet classes being taught by Claudette Brady of Slip Stitch Needlecraft and myself! #GetTheVision
Respect and gratitude to my uncle (Air Force), my nephew (Marines), my friends and everyone in all branches of the military who have devoted themselves in service to this country. Thank you!
psst…today is the perfect day for me to share something crafty for veterans! If you love to knit, visit the Instagram account of Veterans Stitch And Bitch at veterans_stitchandbitch…and tell her I sent ya!
This #HappyVonday post is the most recent update. 🙂
Sadly, the Intro to Entrelac Crochet Basics class has been dropped due to low enrollment. My apologies to all who signed up; hopefully, you’ll find something else that strikes your fancy!
Y’all still have time to register for my FOUR remaining crochet classes!!! #knittinglive
Hey, y’all…it’s Von!
Check out my classes and sign up quick; they fill up fast! #knittinglive
For today’s #HappyVonday post, I’m gonna play a little hardball.
For years I’ve heard people complain (and have voiced my complaints as well) that crochet is un(der)represented in the overall industry, and at many yarn-centric or fiber-related events. I realize the nature of these events cater to knitters; however, both knitters and crocheters use yarn and/or thread; seems a simple fact to me.
I’ll skip statistics, ’cause that’s not my thing, and if ya really wanna know, you could always research it; I’m also gonna avoid ‘buzzwords’ and ‘speak’. Some crocheters have been consistently vocal about having ‘equal time’, and it’s becoming more obvious that pockets of the industry are taking notice.
That being said, I have high expectations about people putting their money where their mouth is. If you don’t support crochet where strides are made for it to be available, you can’t complain about not having the opportunity.
Now is here. Here is now. Go forth and register for crochet classes at Vogue Knitting Live. If mine don’t float ya boat, you have options. Partake.
Bavarian Crochet is one of my favorite uncommon techniques, and can be easily incorporated into traditional crochet in many ways!
Intro to Bavarian Crochet / Hat
Entrelac is not just for knitting! If you’re familiar with Tunisian Crochet, take those skills to the next level.
Intro to Entrelac Crochet Basics This class has been deleted due to low enrollment.
The African Flower is another great motif for using multiple colors; your possibilities are endless!
African Flower
Stitchapalooza explores swatching a variety of not-so-often used stitches from which you can create your own sampler!
With all sincerity, I thank you for your kudos and congratulations, but the greater measure of your appreciation would be to register for classes! 🙂
I look forward to seeing and sharing with you then!!!
On this #HappyVonday, I have very special news to share: I’m teaching at Vogue. Knitting. Live! #knittinglive
I have five crochet classes on the schedule. Registration opens to subscribers for VIP Packages this week, so check them out and sign up early. If you snooze, ya might lose!
For us crafty folks, it’s gift-making season: about that time to gear up and hunker down!
Some of us are ‘making a list’; the more efficient of us started right after the last holiday season 😉
With fiber festival season upon us, it’s also time to keep our eyes peeled for beauties and bargains to add to our bounty. Turn those things into a handmade item and it has the makings of becoming a treasured heirloom!
I know you’re thinking you have plenty of time, but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. It’s not too early to think about Christmas and the holidays if you’re making your gifts…but it is much too early for the decorations to be on sale!!!
Time seems to go by faster every year; before you know it, you’re up in the weeeee hours of the morning, thinking to yourself ‘just one more row’…