This #HappyVonday post is the most recent update. 🙂
Sadly, the Intro to Entrelac Crochet Basics class has been dropped due to low enrollment. My apologies to all who signed up; hopefully, you’ll find something else that strikes your fancy!
Y’all still have time to register for my FOUR remaining crochet classes!!! #knittinglive

Check out my classes and sign up quick; they fill up fast! #knittinglive
- select your package first (package, class and/or marketplace ticket)
- scroll down to classes
- filter by teacher (Yvonne Tate); type my name or scroll down to the end and select my name!
- click my name to see
FIVEFOUR exclusive crochet classes - choose your class(es) and click continue
- fill out form and click continue
- follow the prompts and continue to payment, etc.
Granny Squares are a crochet staple! I’ve tweaked my Mom’s ‘recipe’ and worked out a join-as-you-go method for an option besides whipstitching.

Bavarian Crochet is one of my favorite uncommon techniques, and can be easily incorporated into traditional crochet in many ways!

The African Flower is another great motif for using multiple colors; your possibilities are endless!

Stitchapalooza explores swatching a variety of not-so-often used stitches from which you can create your own sampler!

I. Can’t. Wait!!!!